We're Off To A Great Start!

Parents we have had a great first week of school! The students are doing a great job of learning the rules, managing transitions, and learning their new school. Here are my classroom rules please review these rules with your child.
1. Follow directions from all adults
2. Hands and feet stay to ourselves
3. Small voices are for inside
4. Raise your hand to speak
5. Be kind and respectful to all people

Friday, September 30, 2011

How To Make Apple Quesadillas


1. Apple Filling
2. Tortillas
3. Butter
4. Cinnamon
5. Sugar


1. Take out a tortilla
2. Put apple filling in the middle.
3. Cut apples into smaller pieces
4. Put another tortilla on top
5. Put it in the cooker
6. Butter the top and sprinkle sugar and cinnamon on it
7. Cut and eat

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