We're Off To A Great Start!

Parents we have had a great first week of school! The students are doing a great job of learning the rules, managing transitions, and learning their new school. Here are my classroom rules please review these rules with your child.
1. Follow directions from all adults
2. Hands and feet stay to ourselves
3. Small voices are for inside
4. Raise your hand to speak
5. Be kind and respectful to all people

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Making Shapes

This week we worked on being able to identify and describing basic shapes. In the photos below, during small group, students used toothpicks and small marshmallows to make three basic shapes a square, a rectangle, and a triangle. The students had a lot of fun with this activity and it is something you can do at home. Please continue to review shapes with your child. Remember shapes are everywhere use every moment as a teachable moment.

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